He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people, it is people, it is people.
Volunteering Mahi
Recognising the success of the Kahurangi event brought incredibly refreshing and fulfilling experiences to everyone involved. A notable aspect of the thoughts and feelings of the participants was a deep-seated eagerness to apply their newfound knowledge to uplift and empower their communities.
Kahurangi Event at
What was my role for Kahurangi?
(Based on Unitec’s Te Noho Kotahitanga Values)
As a Tuakana within the Whai Ake Roopu:
- Embracing Cooperation: Contributing to Mahi Kotahitanga, fostering unity and collaboration.
- Demonstrating Rangatiratanga (Authority and Responsibility): Leveraging my Technical Operations expertise and extensive experience to ensure the show's success.
- Showing Guardianship towards our Manuhiri (Guests): Being attentive and protective as part of Kaitiakitanga.
- Promoting Respect: Identifying and addressing hazards with Ngakau Mahaki, emphasising respect and humility.
- Upholding Legitimacy: Maintain integrity and serve as a role model, embodying Wakaritenga.
Set up and dismantled the Christmas Tree for my elderly client.
Street Appeal (collect funds) for the CanTeen Charity.
Radio Host for our local community.
Djing for the Covid-19 Vaccine Centre during the 2021 “Vaxathon”